Challenges · Falliday Fest · Poppy Stamps

FF23JRHolbrook Little Fireplace for Falliday Fest 2023 | DancesWithHooves Paper Design

FalliDay Fest was on at Splitcoast Stampers and drew to a lose this week! Today I’m sharing a brief post with my latest creation. Please see my SCS gallery for full card recipes – in the interests of time, I’m sharing just the major details here and additional pictures of the cards done for the challenges (if any others were taken).


  • SCS Keyword: FF23JRHolbrook
  • Title: Festive Fireplace
  • Description: Let’s see a variety of fireplace scenes. The scene could be Christmasy, an outdoor fireplace or just a cozy fireplace scene. You may use die cuts, stamps or draw or paint your own scene!

Come join the crafty party NOW! Click here: FalliDay Fest

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today – you make my day when you do! 🙂



Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

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