Autumn · Challenges · Sketch Challenges (Wednesdays) · Stampin Up · Thinking of You · Try a New Technique Challenge (Mondays)

SC764 For Your Retirement, Jane! – Sketch Challenge Design Inspiration

Another design sample as part of the Splitcoast Stampers Sketch Challenge Guest Design Team!  I have participated in these challenges basically since I found SCS, and to have been given the amazing opportunity to contribute a card to the weekly inspiration roundup that goes along with it is humbling and I am incredibly grateful, excited, and, well… nervous!

Current and past sketch challenges, as well as all of the details, can be found here.  Past sketch challenge design team samples I have created can be found here and also in my gallery on SplitCoast.

Without further ado, here is my card for this week’s sketch challenge at SCS!04473749-F2CD-42DE-8F3C-3954AE69FF2EF1FC859F-6EF2-45F6-8E32-361E4A73168A

For those of us in the working world, we have the opportunity to work with others, get to know others, laugh with others, sometimes cry with others, and, best of all, celebrate with others.  In the field I am in, many of the “others” I work with are hundreds of miles away, and some I never get to meet face to face nor even speak with on the phone!

Though I have spoken to this special lady by phone for some of our work, most of our communication over the past few years has been via email – she sends me something that needs to be processed and I do so, back and forth, a time or two or more each week.  She’s one of those folks who when I see an email pop in from her, though I expect it to contain more work, I actually smile – because more often than not, it contains something cheerful to go along with it, a kind word, or simply a how-do-you-do.  Jane and I hoped to meet earlier this year when I was in her neck of the woods for a horse event, but due to an unforeseen circumstance, that fell through.  And now, after her talking about it for quite some time, I am excited for Jane that she has just a few days of work left before she heads off into an exciting next chapter of life – retirement!

Though I originally started off to use this week’s sketch for something else entirely, as I got in my craft room Monday night I had a sudden inspiration instead to create for Jane, something autumn-inspired because of the lovely autumn-like weather we were experiencing and because her retirement takes place in September, and something with the beauty of trees within it, because Jane just so happens to work for our forestry division.  So off I went!

After reading this week’s Technique Lover’s Challege – Recessed Panel cards – I knew just what I wanted to do.  That, combined with one of my favorite purchases from last holiday season, I set off to create the perfect card for my dear colleague.


I learned some things along the way while making this card, that I hope will help anyone else hoping to complete the two challenges concurrently like I did:

  1. First, plan.  Make sure you’ve left enough edge to accommodate whatever foam mounting product you own.  I struggled to cut my dimensionals down to a size that would fit the ever-so-narrow strips I left at the edges.
  2. Pre-mark your corners with holes from a pin or other such tool – this gives a perfect “stop” to your craft knife to prevent you from accidentally over-reaching where you intended to end your cut.
  3. Have fun!  Whatever happens, roll with it – if there’s an oops, it just opens up the opportunity to get a little extra creative. 🙂

And, as always, is any project actually complete without a little sparkle? 🙂  Just a hint on the tree trunks and primary branches to catch the light and draw the eye in to this pretty stand of trees.


Thankfully for me, Jane and I do have plans to finally meet up over dinner next month, post-retirement, when I’m in her area for work-related travel.  I can’t wait, and I pray God allows it to work out as planned this time around! 🙂


Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I sure hope you enjoyed my card!



Title: SC764 TLC757 For Your Retirement, Jane!
Keywords: SC764, TLC757, stampin up, SU, Recessed Panel, tree, nature, autumn
Stamps: Winter Woods, Let It Ride, Birch (all Stampin’ Up)
Ink: Gray Granite, Tranquil Tide
Paper: More Mustard (SU!), 80# Solar White (Neenah)
Paper Size:   A2
Technique: Recessed Panel Card, faux framing, distressing, glitter, dimension, second generation stamping (on the “ground”)
Accessories: Tranquil Tide marker, sanding block, gold cord, Gelly Roll glitter pen, Stampin’ dimensionals, Everyday Label Punch
Birthdays · Challenges · Simon Says Stamp · Sketch Challenges (Wednesdays) · Stampin Up

Sketch Challenge Design Inspiration – SC763 – Happy Birthday, Mom!


Another design sample as part of the Splitcoast Stampers Sketch Challenge Guest Design Team!  I have participated in these challenges basically since I found SCS, and to have been given the amazing opportunity to contribute a card to the weekly inspiration roundup that goes along with it is humbling and I am incredibly grateful, excited, and, well… nervous!

Current and past sketch challenges, as well as all of the details, can be found here.  Past sketch challenge design team samples I have created can be found here and also in my gallery on SplitCoast.

Without further ado, here is my card for this week’s sketch challenge at SCS!

“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”Proverbs 3:6 

One of my favorite people to make a card for is my mom – a fellow cardmaker and the person who got me started in the hobby!  I get a lot of joy creating cards, but when I have a specific person in mind while I make it, it reallllly takes what is an enjoyable activity that feeds my introvert qualities and turns it more personal, purposeful, and powerful – into an activity I am doing for someone, vs. something that I enjoy doing just for me.    Bringing good into the world is something I strongly feel that God has asked us all to do, and I truthfully think these “handmade hugs” are one of the ways He wants me personally to do that.  (That may sound kind of lofty, I get it, but Matthew 25:21 is just one of the many references in Scripture that tell us that the small stuff matters – sometimes a lot more than the big stuff!)

Carey had a pretty sweet sketch for us this week – my cup of tea for a sketch challenge, because it’s pretty “plain” which for me is a lot more straightforward to take and make my own!

SC763 Split Coast Stampers Sketch Challenge #763

Mom has always called yellow a “happy color,” and on the occasions she has decided to send me a little cheer during rough patches in life, whether it be with flowers or a card, she always includes some yellow.  Naturally, I wanted yellow to be an element in her card design, and what better way that to combine it with something else she also enjoys – flowers!  (Mom has the most beautiful display of plantings each year, comprised of all sorts of bright colors – including yellow of course when she can find them at her favorite nursery!)


I decided to try a new technique with this card, and test out no-line watercoloring.  I love love love to use watercolors when I’m creating, and I have seen some absolutely stunning works using this technique (both with colored pencils and watercolors alike) by some of my favorite crafters like Yana Smakula, Jennifer McGuire, and May Sukyong Park. (Splitcoast Stampers also has an excellent step-by-step tutorial to guide you through the process if you are new to it and want to learn more!) I think it was recalling some of the lovely designs I have seen by these lovely ladies that I came up with the idea to include a striking contrast to the bright sunny yellow and make navy another feature element of this card.


And of course, is any card complete without a little sparkle?  Just a touch is sometimes all it needs… 😊


Finally, to finish off the card, I stamped the inside with the “happy birthday” sentiment in Night of Navy ink to match the base, and accented the greeting panel with a flower used on the front of the card with Fog ink.


THANKS so much for dropping by!  I hope you’ll take the time to say hello!




Title: SC763 Happy Birthday Mom!
Keywords: SC763, birthday, flower, feminine, SSS, SimonSaysStamp, simon says stamp, Altenew, HeroArts, hero arts
Stamps: Delicate Flowers (SSS), Beautiful Quotes (Altenew), Happy Stamp & Cut (Hero Arts)
Ink: Fog (Simon Says Stamp), Night of Navy (SU!)
Paper: White, Night of Navy, Glam Glitter Gold (The Paper Studio)
Paper Size:   A2
Technique: Watercoloring, no-line watercoloring, dry embossing, fussy cutting, dimension, sparkle
Accessories: watercolor pencils, watercolor brush, Darice embossing folder, Wink of Stella glitter brush pen in “clear,” adhesive pearls (Walmart), foam mounting tape
Challenges · Inkadinkado · My Favorite Things · Occasions · Paper Crafting · Sketch Challenges (Wednesdays) · Weddings

Sketch Challenge Design Inspiration – SC762 – Happy Anniversary!

Another design sample as part of the Splitcoast Stampers Sketch Challenge Guest Design Team!  I have participated in these challenges basically since I found SCS, and to have been given the amazing opportunity to contribute a card to the weekly inspiration roundup that goes along with it is humbling and I am incredibly grateful, excited, and, well… nervous!

Current and past sketch challenges, as well as all of the details, can be found here.  Past sketch challenge design team samples I have created can be found here and also in my gallery on SplitCoast.

Without further ado, here is my card for this week’s sketch challenge at SCS!

Popping in today with a quick card I made for my parents’ Anniversary with the fun sketch from Diane for this week’s Sketch Challenge on Splitcoast.


THANKS so much for dropping by!  Please consider joining in on the fun for this or any other challenge over on SplitCoast!



Title: SC762 Happy Anniversary
Keywords: SC762, MFT, My Favorite Things, MyFavoriteThings, Anniversary, Love
Stamps: Wonderful Woodland Friends(MFT), Well-Connected Numbers (MFT), Wedding (Inkadinkado), unknown background stamp
Ink: Crumb Cake, Powder Pink, Always Artichoke
Paper: Always Artichoke, White
Paper Size:   A2
Technique: CAS, colored pencils, second-generation stamping (background)
Accessories: Colored pencils, Stampin’ Write Markers