Challenges · Christmas · Christmas Fan Club Challenge · Seasonal · Simon Says Stamp · Stampin Up · Thank-You · Unity · Winter

Card Catch Up: Cards Created in the Past Few Weeks | DancesWithHooves Paper Design

We’ve been busy, ya’ll – I know you know how that goes yourselves! Anyway, though I did manage to spit out a few cards over the extra days I took off around New Year’s, I only got as far as posting a few of them, and only in my gallery on SplitCoast.

Click below to jump for more pictures and details on the cards I will share with you today! !

The first group I’m sharing with you today were created mostly at the same time in a handful of hours over a day or perhaps two. I had a few card challenge prompts, some dsp in my stash, and several adorable stamps my husband had blessed me with for Christmas that I simply couldn’t wait to use… plus, I had a lot of Thank Yous to say after Christmas! It was a thrill to feel so inspired!

I have a few more to toss in that I attempted a more complete photograph session for, but I’ll get to those another day along with a few that have been sitting in my post drafts for a LONG long while!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today – you make my day when you do! 🙂



These cards – with further details – can also be found in my gallery on SplitCoast; “recipe” below includes keywords specific to SplitCoast Stampers challenges. 

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