Challenges · Christmas · Falliday Fest · Stampin Up · Winter

FF23berlycece Peaceful Flannel for Falliday Fest 2023 | DancesWithHooves Paper Design

It’s the best month of the year (October) and my favorite crafting event of the year to boot! FalliDay Fest is on at Splitcoast stampers! Today I’m sharing a brief post with my latest creation. Please see my SCS gallery for full card recipes – in the interests of time, I’m sharing just the major details here and additional pictures of the cards done for the challenges (if any others were taken).


  • SCS Keyword: FF23berlycece
  • Title: Cozy Flannel
  • Description: use actual flannel or plaid on your card

Come join the crafty party NOW! Click here: FalliDay Fest

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today – you make my day when you do! 🙂



Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

My latest posts:

Challenges · Falliday Fest · Ranger · Stampin Up

FF23cdimick Rejoicing in Christ – Falliday Fest 2023| DancesWithHooves Paper Design

It’s the best month of the year (October) and my favorite crafting event of the year to boot! FalliDay Fest is on at Splitcoast stampers! Today I’m sharing a brief post with my latest creation. Please see my SCS gallery for full card recipes – in the interests of time, I’m sharing just the major details here and additional pictures of the cards done for the challenges (if any others were taken).


  • SCS Keyword: FF23cdimick 
  • Title: Cool and Unconventional Emboss Resist Christmas cards
  • Description: A two-part challenge – first, make an emboss resist panel without embossing powder or ink. The second part is to use unconventional colors for your emboss resist panel and Christmas card. Not the usual red and green or blue and silver or gold, do something unconventional and unexpected.

Come join the crafty party NOW! Click here: FalliDay Fest

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today – you make my day when you do! 🙂



Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

My latest posts:

Autumn · Challenges · Falliday Fest · Stampin Up

FF23LuvLee Glittery Thanks for Kacie | DancesWithHooves Paper Design

It’s the best month of the year (October) and my favorite crafting event of the year to boot! FalliDay Fest is on at Splitcoast stampers! Today I’m sharing a brief post with my latest creation. Please see my SCS gallery for full card recipes – in the interests of time, I’m sharing just the major details here and additional pictures of the cards done for the challenges (if any others were taken).


  • SCS Keyword: FF23LuvLee
  • Title: Autumn Glitter!
  • Description: Use autumn colors with a touch of glitz!

Come join the crafty party NOW! Click here: FalliDay Fest

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today – you make my day when you do! 🙂



Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

My latest posts:

Autumn · Challenges · Falliday Fest · Stampin Up

FF23Scraperwannabe With Love – Falliday Fest| DancesWithHooves Paper Design

It’s the best month of the year (October) and my favorite crafting event of the year to boot! FalliDay Fest is on at Splitcoast stampers! Today I’m sharing a brief post with my latest creation. Please see my SCS gallery for full card recipes – in the interests of time, I’m sharing just the major details here and additional pictures of the cards done for the challenges (if any others were taken).


  • SCS Keyword: FF23Scraperwannabe
  • Title: Fall Farmers Market Photo Inspiration
  • Description: Be inspired by any of the colors, textures or elements of the photo in the challenge thread.

Come join the crafty party NOW! Click here: FalliDay Fest

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today – you make my day when you do! 🙂



Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

My latest posts:

Challenges · Falliday Fest · Hero Arts · Stampin Up

FF23annsforte3 Peeking Snowman – Falliday Fest! | DancesWithHooves Paper Design

It’s the best month of the year (October) and my favorite crafting event of the year to boot! FalliDay Fest is on at Splitcoast stampers! Today I’m sharing a brief post with my latest creation. Please see my SCS gallery for full card recipes – in the interests of time, I’m sharing just the major details here and additional pictures of the cards done for the challenges (if any others were taken).


  • SCS Keyword: FF23annsforte3
  • Title: Peeking Snowman
  • Description: use only a portion of a snowman image/die & peek him/her out of a snowbank/window/door/etc. Extra cookies: falling snow

Come join the crafty party NOW! Click here: FalliDay Fest

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today – you make my day when you do! 🙂



Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

Full details for this card can be found in my gallery on SplitCoast.

My latest posts: